Technische Universität München
2001-2006, Chemical Engineering, Dipl.-Ing. (1.5)
2006, Diploma Thesis (1.0)
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thesis entitled "Modeling of a microstructurd gas-liquid distributor using CFD" -
Technische Universität München, Chair of Chemical Engineering
2007-2010, Scientific Assistant & Doctorate (PhD), Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude)
PhD Thesis entitled ’Towards the Numerical Simulation of Multi-Scale Two-Phase Flows’; Academic supervision by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf Hinrichsen; Doctor degree from Technische Universität München, (predicate ’passed with distinction’, ’summa cum laude’) -
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Center of Smart Interfaces
2011-present, Research Group Leader & Postdoctoral Research Associate (Habilitand)Postdoctoral research associate (Habilitand) - Mathematical Modeling and Analysis (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Bothe); Research group leader on Advanced Two-Phase and Interfacial Flow Simulations using the OpenFOAM CFD Software